Visual Impact Assessment - There's more to it than meets the eye!
Visual Impact Assessment - There's more to it than meets the eye!
Robotham, AJ
Quilleash, P
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Conference Contribution
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Mechanical Engineering Publications Ltd
The visual impact of a wind farm is one of the major causes of concern for all current U.K. wind farm projects. Often visual impact is the singlemost important issue on which a planning application is judged. A fair and honest assessment of the visual impact of a wind farm demands the co-operation of the developer, the planning authority, the public, and other interested parties. Visual impact assessment also demands that each individual involved in the planning process make their own judgement, because it is inadequate for this issue to be decided by a single individual.
14th British Wind Energy Association Conference held at University of Nottingham, Nottingham, UK, 1992-03-25 to 1992-03-27, published in: Wind Energy Conversion 1992: Proceedings of the 14th British Wind Energy Association Conference
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