Tourism for All NZ Research Group Name
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Professor Alison McIntosh, Dr Brielle Gillovic, AUT Adjunct Professor Simon Darcy (University of Technology Sydney) and AUT Visiting Scholar, Dr Cheryl Cockburn-Wootten (University of Waikato) coordinate the Tourism for All NZ Research Group.
Initially funded by the New Zealand Ministry of Social Development Think Differently Fund, NZ Tourism For All is a project to champion accessible tourism in New Zealand. The investigation recognises the citizenship rights of people with disabilities and those living with chronic or terminal illness to tourism as an inclusive leisure activity. Current projects include accessible beach tourism; accessible hotel restaurants; tourism and carers; disability employment and entrepreneurship; terminal illness and travel; and disability, tourism and sustainability.
Further related resources:
- Tourism Evidence and Insights Centre
- Gillovic, B. (2019). Experiences of Care at the Nexus of Intellectual Disability and Leisure Travel [Unpublished PhD thesis]. The University of Waikato.
- Gillovic, B., McIntosh, A., Darcy, S., Cockburn-Wootten, C. (2018). Enabling the Language of Accessible Tourism, Journal of Sustainable Tourism, Vol. 26 (4), pp. 615-630.
Key Facts and Figures about Accessible Tourism
Tourism For All New Zealand have collected useful, evidence-based facts about accessible tourism in New Zealand. Read them here, and keep up to date with our industry-relevant research (links coming soon).
Did you know that the access tourist market represents 25% of global tourism, is larger than China and Europe combined, and is growing three times faster than any other tourist market?
Key Facts and Figures